Looking for a Friendly Money Coach for Your Employees?


Rachael Aldridge

Financial stress is a common issue that many people face in their lives. It can stem from various sources, such as mounting debt, unexpected expenses, or job instability. The weight of financial stress can be overwhelming, impacting not only one’s bank account but also their mental and physical well-being.

To alleviate financial stress, it’s essential to create a budget, track expenses, and prioritize saving. Seeking guidance from a money coach. Additionally, exploring mindfulness practices and stress-reducing activities can help maintain a balanced perspective during challenging financial times.

Remember, financial stress is a temporary obstacle that can be overcome with patience, determination, and a proactive approach towards improving your financial situation.

Why do you need a financial wellbeing coach?

Improved Financial Well-being

Money coaching improves employees’ finances, leading to less stress and enhanced well-being & job satisfaction.

Increased Productivity

Financially secure employees tend to perform better and with greater efficiency due to reduced stress.

Reduced Absenteeism

Financial stress can lead to absenteeism as employees may need time off to deal with personal financial issues. 

How I can help

As part of your employee wellbeing I can provide the following:-


Employee Money Coaching Workshop

Helping your employees navigate the cost of living crisis with custom workshops on budgeting skills and positive mindset.


1:1 Money Coaching

Providing your employees with personalized, tailored 1:1 coaching sessions that are designed to meet their specific needs and help them achieve their professional goals.

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